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Our MissionEpiphany Episcopal Church exists to connect people to God and one another through ministry and service.
The VestryWhat is a Vestry?
The Vestry can be thought of as being similar in nature to a Board of Directors, with a particularly Christ-centered and spiritual mission. In the Episcopal Church, the Vestry is a body of elected lay people with the tasks of: • Overseeing all the lay ministries of the church • Ensuring the parish has a rector (approved by the Bishop) • Ensuring the church building is cared for and • Ensuring parish funds are administered appropriately. On January 7, 2024 a new Vestry was installed. Members of the new Vestry include: Randolph (Randy) Maxwell (Senior Warden); Ricardo (Ricky) Lyles (Junior Warden); Janet Walker (Clerk); Ryan Bascombe; Maurice Fox; Ethan Gaskin; Faith Lourers; Gloria McKnight; Kirk Nielsen; Sonia Staples; and Avis Watts. A scene from the Installation of the New and Departing Vestry Members
Visitors and NewcomersAs a church with its roots stretching over one-hundred and fifty years, Epiphany Episcopal Church is focused on a future that embraces diversity and service to God. Rich in diversity, we celebrate our heritage as we lift up a contemporary understanding of community and love, by embracing an array of cultural, racial and ethnic identities. We invite new worshipers to join us at Epiphany.
Feed My SheepIn John 17: 21 Jesus says,
If you love me" Feed My Sheep". Six months after its start in July 2020, Epiphany’s Food Pantry, “Feed My Sheep” stepped forward to meet the hunger needs of the community. From a small start of 10 boxes distributed in July, this intergenerational team of young people and adult’s distributed 207 boxes, 100 of them over Thanksgiving and Christmas. This ministry has fed just under 600 people, consisting of seniors, families and two group homes. The food pantry idea originated with the former Postulant ,Alethea Long-Green-Steward, and blossomed with spiritual direction and seed money from the discretionary fund provided for by the Rector, and several meetings with members of the Parish. The Food Pantry Ministry developed from this collaboration. As the need is quickly outgrowing our current resources, our prayer is that God will provide the necessary resources to keep this very important ministry going. We have great hopes that submitted to corporate and non-profit offices will help us meet our target. To date, the church has sustained the Pantry Ministry through pledged support and gifts from Epiphany’s members and guilds. The Pantry Ministry has completed a matching funds campaign with STG International, Inc. The CEO and President of the company, Ms. Michelle Lee pledged to match funds donated to the pantry by her employees. The total funds raised were $2,445.00. Please call Epiphany Church on 301-735-7717 to volunteer or donate food items. If you desire to receive pantry boxes, call 301-505-0088 to register. If you wish to make a monetary donation, go to the web site www.epiphanyforestville.org. Thank you in advance for your support and prayers of good will. To see a listing of items needed, please click below. Learn More About the History of Epiphany Church